Dell Rapids Quarry Days keep Lions busy
Rapids Lions Club members used a South Dakota Lions Foundation KidSight
van and equipment to perform vision screenings for 99 children during
Quarry Days, June 23-25. Nine children received reports for their
parents to follow up with a vision care professional of their choice.
also worked "trash duty" in the City Park on the same days, emptying
full trash barrels, inserting fresh bags, and picking up miscellaneous
This year, the club added a new activity when it
established a Citizen of the Year Award to honor someone who “serves
the Dell Rapids community, contributes to social progress and the
creation of happiness, and is an inspiration for others.”
were solicited from the public, and a committee selected the winner.
Norene Frederickson was recognized for her leadership and volunteerism
with the Dell Rapids Museum, Senior Citizens Center, and Garden Club.
Carolyn Drew, who nominated her, called Norene an “unsung hero” who
never sought praise or recognition for her involvement.
threw out the first pitch at Friday night’s baseball game between two
local amateur teams. Saturday was designated “Norene Frederickson Day”
by the City, and she was honored as the marshal of the Quarry Days
parade. Prior to the musical entertainment and fireworks on Sunday
evening, Norene was introduced to the crowd and presented with her
the June 20th City Council meeting, Mayor Tom Earley, also a Dells
Lion, presented Norene with the proclamation, naming June 24th Norene
Frederickson Day in Dell Rapids.
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