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Lions celebrate 80 years of service

Dell Rapids Lions Club members and guests gathered Saturday, October 5th, for an evening banquet in celebration of the club’s 80th anniversary. The club was awarded its charter by Lions Clubs International on September 17, 1944, with 44 local members. Dell Rapids Mayor (and Lion) Tom Earley emceed the event. He introduced distinguished guests, including Lions District Governor Dennis Bohmont from Mitchell, and the evening’s special guests, former South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard and his wife, Linda.

Dell Rapids Scout Troop 53 posted the Colors and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Members included Sawyer Hiebert, Dillon Aker, Braedon Aker, Leum Zellmer, and Ian Zellmer. Lions have sponsored the local Scouts for many years. Dell Rapids Methodist Church Pastor Jan Gross gave the invocation, and Lion Zach Rogen led the singing of the “Table Prayer.”

In place of the usual after-dinner speech, Daugaard suggested a dialog between himself and a Lions club member. Marlowe Hovey filled that roll, and the two discussed a range of topics, from Daugaard’s experiences growing up and attending school in Dell Rapids, to the importance of leadership at every level of society, drawing comparisons between public service, such as his in State government, and community service performed by Lions.

On hand to help with the dinner service were students from both local middle schools. St. Mary 8th graders included Kira Abel, Kate Liebl, and Ryleigh Ahlers. Public school 8th graders were Charlie Pierson, Cloe Carver, Josie Becker, and Tasha Weinacht. In exchange for their invaluable help, Lions made a contribution to the travel fund for the social studies classes’ annual trip to Washington, DC, next spring.

In his closing remarks, Earley announced that Dell Rapids Lions Club will have a tree planted this fall at the Dells Overlook, along with a plaque, honoring former governor Daugaard.
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