Lions Club holds Awards Banquet
Lion Allen Brown honored for 59 years of membership
Rapids Lions, spouses, and friends gathered the evening of December 7th
to honor new and old Lions. A banquet was served by Cricket's Catering
at the Dells Senior Citizen Center.
Special guest Lions District Governor LeeAnn Haisch of Alcester presented awards.
focus of the evening, however, was on Lion Allen Brown who received the
prestigious Melvin Jones Fellowship. Named for the founder of Lions
Clubs International, it is the highest honor that club members can
bestow on a fellow Lion.
Brown holds the longest membership in
the Dells club, having joined December 1, 1964 — 59 years and counting.
During that time, Brown served as club president and director, and has
been a mainstay in every club project, activity and fundraising effort.
"Like Melvin Jones, Allen Brown has put his intelligence, ambition and
talents to work improving and serving his community," said Haisch in
presenting the plaque to Brown.
Photo ID:Lions District
Governor LeeAnn Haisch (left) presented the Melvin Jones Fellowship to
Lion Allen Brown. Brown's wife, Gloria, is pictured at right.
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