The Dell Rapids Lions Club
inducted its newest member, Carmen Rogen, during the club’s July meeting in the
city park. Following the ceremony, she was greeted with a hand shake by each
Lion in attendance, a club tradition.
Carmen is no stranger to Lions, having been a member of a Leo youth club when
she was younger.
Lions membership is open to anyone age 18 and older. For more information about
joining the Dells Lions, contact the clubs’s Membership Chair, Christine
Snyder, 605-366-4540;
At the same meeting, new officers were installed for the 2023-24 Lions fiscal
year: Robert Wiarda, Pres.; Darrold Williams, 1st VP; Tom Earley, 2nd VP; Tom
Ludens, 3rd VP; Sue Hovey, Sec’y.; Peg Nelson, Treas.; Christine Snyder,
Membership Chr.; Tom Earley, Tail Twister; Connie Earley, Lion Tamer; Tom
Ludens, Immediate Past Pres. & Lions Intn’l. Foundation Coord.; Darrold and
Dianne Williams, Board Directors & Program Chrs.
CAPTION: Lion Dean Hammer welcomes new club member Carmen Rogen and her son