Lions Club holds Awards Banquet
Rapids Lions, spouses, and friends gathered the evening of December 7th
to honor new and old Lions. A banquet was served by Cricket's Catering
at the Dells Senior Citizen Center.
Special guest Lions District Governor LeeAnn Haisch of Alcester presented awards.
evening's agenda also included the induction of two new members by
Membership Chair Lion Christine Snyder: Carolyn Drew, sponsored by Lion
Marlowe Hovey, and Zach Rogen, sponsored by his wife, Lion Carmen
Haisch concluded her remarks to the gathering with a
reminder of how important Lions Clubs are to communities around the
world. "How often are we asked: What do Lions do?" said Haisch. "The
answer is simple: We do good for people."
Photo ID:New Dell Rapids Lions inducted December 7th are Carolyn Drew and Zach Rogen.
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